Index: Big Canoe Water & Sewer Links

The following will eventually contain a list of historical documents, videos, articles and sundry information that has been pre-compiled over the years in preparation for an Investigative Newspaper Article Series on Legal, Ownership, Monitoring, Water Quality, Expansion, and Regulatory issues regarding Big Canoe’s Water & Sewer System.  This page is initially being uploaded on Sept. 28, 2022 and will be a work in progress for the 1st few weeks as all of the basic historical documents are uploaded. Please be patient with us, and if you have any documents you think may be appropriate to be uploaded here, please send them to

Trust Deed Records:

Deeds & Easement Record

Historical Reference Plats (Water and Sewer Related)

2018 Court Records
Big Canoe POA pretends to sue Big Canoe Water, but it is all for show, as POA Pres. Phil Anderson secretly negotiates a surrender, and bad deal, for the community prior to dismissal

Historical News & Print References:

    • To Be Added

Misc Reports, Water Quality, and Compliance History:

    • To Be Added

Educational, Regulatory and Legal References:

Disclaimer: This website is a news project of Big Canoe’s sole investigative newspaper, Focus on Big Canoe, GA.  This list of references is incomplete, and is a work in progress.  The documents have been collected through Research & Open Records Requests (GORA & FOIA), Q&A or Interview with various parties, review of publicly available information, and public participation and contribution.  The goal is to eventually create a comprehensive and permanent record in order to keep Big Canoe Property Owners and Residents, as well as the general public, informed of the legal and water quality and safety issues, financial health of the system provider, and general infrastrucure status of the Big Canoe Water and Sewer Systems. This site will also serve as a resource reference for any future articles by 3rd party media sources, or any eventual enforcement, civil or criminal actions that may be warranted.  These documents are being uploaded in no particular order, except that some priority is being given to documents that are currently being referenced in public articles on this topic.  Questions regarding the materials herein can be directed to:

10887 Big Canoe
Big Canoe GA 30143

Focus on Big Canoe is a division of The Mountains Voice.